settle up
英 [ˈsetl ʌp]
美 [ˈsetl ʌp]
付清(债务); 结清(账单)
- PHRASAL VERB 付清(债务);结清(账单)
When yousettle up, you pay a bill or a debt.- When we approached the till to settle up, he reduced our bill by 50 per cent.
- When we approached the till to settle up, he reduced our bill by 50 per cent.
- The police kept him on ice quietly till they had time to settle up their affaires How can we allocate resources wisely among different health care services in order to keep people healthy and contain expenditure on curative treatment?
他们悄悄地把他妥善地保护起来,直到他们有时间处理完他们的事情为止。*我们怎样可以在各类健康医护服务之间妥善分配资源,以保障市民健康而又同时控制医疗开支? - We had an excellent meal and were surprised how little it cost to settle up afterwards.
我们吃了顿极丰盛的饭菜,待结帐时,我们很惊奇,价钱竟如此的便宜。 - I'll settle up with the bartender and we can leave.
我和服务员结帐后,我们就可走了。 - The idea is that you invite your friends and colleagues over, crack open a bottle of wine, blast out a groovy playlist, then settle down with your laptop to clean up your emails.
其基本模式是,邀请好友以及同事来到自己家中,打开一瓶美酒,播放一个动听的音乐列表,然后大家拿着各自的笔记本电脑安顿下来开始清理电子邮件。 - First day of autumn, I settle up for that past year, see?
入秋那天我会和他把前一年的帐都算清,明白么? - They contain a chip similar to a mobile phone's SIM card that allows you to settle up by tapping the watch on a special terminal at the till.
这种手表中的芯片与手机的SIM卡类似,只需要在收银台的一种特殊终端上触碰一下手表,就可以结账了。 - He borrowed& 10 to settle up his bill.
他借了10英镑来付清这一帐单。 - Influenza and other respiratory viruses are spread in small droplets broadcast by coughing, sneezing and talking and which can also settle onto surfaces, to be picked up on fingertips.
流感及其他呼吸道病毒主要通过咳嗽、打喷嚏或说话时散播的飞沫传播,它也会附着在物体表面,通过被污染的手指接触传染。 - I shall settle up with you at the end of the month.
我将在月底和你清账。 - Do I settle up with them?